beef and brews
First Responders Benefit is a community organization that hosts the Beef and Brews Fundraising Event annually. Known for its famous homebrew competition, delicious food, and exciting raffle prizes, the event attracts participants from all over the area. But our mission is even more important: We are dedicated to helping our local first responders by raising funds to purchase new equipment, organize training seminars, and provide support in times of need.
“Mmm… beer.”
-- Homer Simpson
The Deets:
Our event allows you to share your brews with event participants. Each brewer is required to bring at minimum 5 gallons of beer (keg or bottles). You are given your own "bar" space you can decorate or customize to showcase your concoctions. Participants are given a souvenir tasting glass and are encouraged to try all the brewers and vote for our coveted People's Choice award. Winners of the People's Choice award receive a trophy and cash prize.
4th Annual Beef and Brews
Homebrew Competition
November 2, 2024
Lyon County Fairgrounds
100 US HWY 95A East
Yerington NV 89447
Doors Open: 3PM
Dinner: 6PM
All brewers must be a minimum of 21 years of age.
Brewers are required to bring at minimum 5 gallons of beer (Bottled or 5-gallon keg and a way to serve it)
This event is best of show and judged by the public. All entrants into the event will be allowed one vote. Brewer with the most votes wins. All entrants must be amateur brewers.