On behalf of all of us at First Responders Benefit we want to thank everyone for coming out to our first ever Beef and Brews Event.
I would like to give a big shout out to all of our home brewers! Abel Ortiz the big winner of the night and long time supporter of FRB, Shane Wake, Kevin and Amanda Stewart, and Mike and Amandia Thicke!
Another big shout out to Great Basin Brewing Company and Shoe Tree Brewing Company for also showing their support.
The Yerington Lions Club for serving us a delicious meal, and all of our amazing sponsors! Wild West Chevrolet, Ally Bank, D&S Waste Removal, Financial Horizons Credit Union, Battle Born Ammunition & Firearms, Inc, Ogden Drilling, Joy Manford, Bella Sage Designs, Round Up Awards, JesseGirl Grub, Night in the Country, Nevada Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and anyone else that helped and contributed to our cause. If you happened to get some photos of the event last night you'd like to share, send them our way!!
Here are a few from us! Cheers!
