On June 28th, 2019 the First Responders Benefit and Hoops For Heroes awarded proceeds from their inaugural Black Tie Gala.
FRB awards the Yerington/Mason Valley Fire Dept Explorers a $750.00 check. The Explorers program is a training program for high school aged young adults to learn the necessary skills to become future fire fighters and EMS personnel.

FRB also awarded the Lyon County Sheriff's Office with a $8,750 check. The LCSO will use these funds to send two deputies and a Lieutenant to School Resource Officer training as well as fund some much needed firearm training uppers.

We would like to thank everyone who not only attended our gala but also our sponsors. We would not have been as successful without your participation.
Thank you to: Wild West Chevrolet, Hall, Simmons and Johnston, The Galvin Family, The Greenhut Family, Battle Born Ammunition & Firearms, Inc, Yerington/Mason Valley Fire Department, Circle Bar N Ranch, Nevada State Fire Marshal, and Sierra Electronics.